Monday, December 27, 2010

Morani and wife fight it out in hotel

Mohammed Morani and his wife, Lucky Morani, had a scuffle on Thursday night at an event at a suburban five-star hotel. Mohammed Morani left the venue in a huff after the fight. Lucky Morani threw a glass, smashing it to shards.

A source said, “It was an event coordinated by the Morani Brothers themselves. The couple is always cool. However that day it was not. After they arrived together for the launch of a health drink, Mohammed Morani went backstage to look into the preparations.

After some time Lucky Morani followed. However what happened between the two is not known. They were seen fighting and shouting at each other. Lucky Morani got so angry that she threw a glass with disgust and hurled abuses. Mohammed, on the other hand, left the venue as he didn’t want the fight to aggravate.”

However, when contacted, Mohammed Morani denied the news.


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